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Group Manager/In-game Tutorial

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Welcome to the in-game command tutorial for GroupManager.

Why bother doing it in-game?

This is a common question. Why spend all my time writing out the commands, when I could write the permissions in the configuration?

The Answer:

  • It is impossible to make a YAML error by using commands.
  • It can be more convenient, if you can't access your server's files at the given time.
  • It is easy.

How to do it!

To start, we will need to make a group to give permissions to.

* Command:
/mangadd <group name>

* Example:
/mangadd Administrator

In the above example, I have created a group named "Administrator". You will need to remember the group name. If you have forgotten the name, you can do a command "/listgroups" to call a list of every group. This will include Global Groups too.

The expected response would be "You created a new group called: $groupname", Where $groupname is the name of the group you made.

After this, you'll need to add a permission.

* Command:
/mangaddp <group name> <>

* Example:
/mangaddp Administrator essentials.msg

In this example, I gave the group named "Administrator" permission to use the "msg" command, provided by the plugin "Essentials". You cannot assume that the plugin name will be in the permission, so make sure that you search for the Permission Nodes of the plugin, and use them.

Extra Tip: If the plugin you are using has a lot of permissions, and you want to give them all at once, see if there is a permission with a wildcard '*' in it. It would usually be like "essentials.*" which allows all permissions from the Essentials Plugin to be used.

You can give ALL permissions for EVERY plugin by giving '*' as a permission itself, but I wouldn't recommend you give that permission to any group besides Admin, as the said group can use every command.

Another Extra Tip: If you give a wildcard permission, such as "essentials.*", and you wish to restrict access to a specific permission, you can use the ./mangaddp <group> <permission> command, but add a hyphen in the front of the permission.

An example:

/mangaddp Administrator -essentials.motd

Removing permissions:

If you find that you added a permission and you spelt it wrong, decided you no longer needed it, or you want to delete it for some other reason, you can use this command:

* Command:
/mangdelp <group name> <>

* Example:
/mangdelp Administrator essentials.msg

This command will remove access to whatever command the permission was made for.


Prefixing can be done like this too. Using this command:

* Command:
/mangaddv <group name> prefix <your prefix here>

* Example:
/mangaddv Administrator prefix &4[Admin]&f &c

Using the above command, you can set a prefix very easily.

Breaking down the example:

/mangaddv Administrator - Tells GroupManager you would like to add a variable to the group "Administrator". prefix - Tells GroupManager you would like to add the prefix variable. &4[Admin]&f &c - the prefix which will appear.

&4, &f and &c are all colour codes. They can be changed for anything!

The first colour code, or in my example, "&4", will set the colour of '[Admin]' to a dark red. The second colour code, or in my example, "&f", will set the next piece of text to white, but instead of putting more text, I used a space. This is to make it appear like '[Admin] bonney12', instead of '[Admin]bonney12'. The third colour code, or in my example, "&c", will set the user's name to a lighter red.

You can use as many colour codes, and as many formatting codes as you wish, but using bold in your prefix can cause your text to indent at unexpected times, and go to new lines. This will cause your text to be unsightly!